Thursday, December 03, 2009


I was once innocent. I was once like a white cloth. Then one day a demon soak the cloth in mud. I was dirty. and now I am like the night. A night without the moon and stars.

I was 8 years old. I was at the famous gathering place for demon's slayers. My father was the leader of the strongest demon's hunter pack, The Paradisa Slayer. I was so proud of him, every one was talking about him and I was proud to tell any one I saw that I was his son.

I was playing with some kids in the gathering place. Everyone knew everyone there. A man in black robe came to me. A man....that was what I thought....A normal man wearing a black robe....A man......I was innocent and I believed that everyone in the gathering place was friend. I followed him...followed him to his tent. The day the white cloth was soaked in the mud.


  1. 愛情是盲目的,但婚姻恢復了它的視力。.........................

  2. oh.i really like da way u write.really caught my attntion.:) hope to be frens wit u..

  3. boniourkee...在等待月亮???...不向月亮嚎叫。唱它.....

  4. hsiao...I'm fine thenk you....I haven't been logging in for quite sometime...

  5. just dance...I will....i haven't been updating my blog for a while...

  6. i love your blog...hope you can light in the darkness that envelope you~
    life is full of darkholes that sucks the life out of you no matter how you try to them together.
